Here is the entire VRML 2.0 source code. Type (or paste) this code into a file called "buzz.wrl".
#VRML V2.0 utf8 #set camera position Viewpoint { position 0 0 3 } #generate time events DEF BUZZGLASS TimeSensor { loop TRUE enabled TRUE cycleInterval 0.1 stopTime -1 } #the ball to be animated DEF BUZZ Transform { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material DEF BUZZMAT Material {} } geometry Sphere { radius 0.1 } } ] } DEF BUZZSCRIPT Script{ url "buzz.class" scriptType "javabc" eventIn SFTime move eventOut SFVec3f buzztrans } ROUTE BUZZGLASS.cycleTime TO BUZZSCRIPT.move ROUTE BUZZSCRIPT.buzztrans TO BUZZ.set_translation
Here is the Java source code. Type this into a file called "".
import vrml.*; import vs.*; public class buzz extends Script { //Connect buzzpos to the translation the ball SFVec3f buzzpos = (SFVec3f)getEventOut("buzztrans"); //Number of steps before we change direction again final int numSteps = 10; //Current step in the animation int currStep = 0; //Unit direction vector float [] direction = new float [3]; //New position to move to in current step float [] newPos = new float [3]; //Starting position in this 10-step phase float [] currPos = new float [3]; //Interpolation fraction float inc = 1.0f/(float)numSteps; float perc = 0; public buzz() { int i; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { currPos[i] = 0; direction[i] = (float)Math.random(); } float l = (float)Math.sqrt( (direction[0]*direction[0]) + (direction[1]*direction[1]) + (direction[2]*direction[2]) ); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { direction[i] /= l; } } public void move(ConstSFTime ev, ConstSFTime time) { int i; //New Phase if(currStep == 0) { for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { currPos[i] = direction[i]; direction[i] = (float)Math.random(); } float l = (float)Math.sqrt( (direction[0]*direction[0]) + (direction[1]*direction[1]) + (direction[2]*direction[2]) ); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { direction[i] /= l; } perc = 0; } //Update postion for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { newPos[i] = (perc * direction[i]) + ( (1.0f-perc) * currPos[i]) ; } perc += inc; buzzpos.setValue(newPos); currStep++; //End of a phase if (currStep == numSteps) { currStep = 0; } } }